Two weeks ago I was passing by the non-fiction section of the New York Public Library, when I noticed a book titled 'Work It - Secrets for Success from the Boldest Women in Business by Carrie Kerpen'. I asked myself 'should I go in for a motivational read or an autobiography'. My preference is usually an autobiography or a personal account but since the book I requested (Into Thin Air) was not available, I went back and read the short description of Work It. I immediately got it issued and read it within three days.
Before I get to the reasons of why I recommend this book, I would like you to answer to the following questions:
- Are you an introvert?
- Do you have hiccups in approaching people?
- Do you end up saying a yes when you feel like saying a no?
- Do you channelize and follow your instincts very closely?
- Are you too hard on yourself?
If the answer to three out of five questions is 'Yes', then I strongly suggest this book to you. You can also read if you are in need of some inspiration or encouragement from the women, who are highly successful and if you want to know the way they #WorkIt around their personal and professional lives. There are no secrets but simple anecdotes to give spark to your career.
Without going into much details of the book, I will share those practical advise that resonated with me. Each of them had a captivating story from women like Sheryl Sandberg, Barbara Corcoran, Randi Zuckerberg and many more.
- Build a network: Networking is extremely important and it has become very simple with social media. Take time-out and connect with people - online or in real life. It goes long way in your career, personal branding and recognition.
- Have a go-to list: Always have a list of people you can bank upon, be it in your personal or professional life. There is a beautiful storytelling in the book where the author shares the concept and importance of 'personal advisory board'.
- Trust your instincts: Your instinct never lets you down. When you abandon a path over a strong gut feeling, a whole new door of opportunity opens up. So, focus on your thoughts to trust your instincts.
- Assess the risks: Always calculate the risks in your each big step. This will help you to get in the habit of saying 'No' and prepare you with the worst case scenario, especially if you are a person who says a 'yes' lot more often.
- Embrace opportunities: Keep pushing yourself to new opportunities, be adaptive and be open to explore at your work place. You would enjoy, learn and grow faster in your career.
- Attain work-life harmony: Prioritize your work and your personal life. In all great circumstances mixing the two would yield healthy relationships. Your close colleagues should know about big developments in your personal life. Similarly, your partner or few family members should know about your work pressure.
- Start outsourcing or delegating: Generally, people who don't practice delegation are often too hard upon themselves. Always remember one can't have it all.
- Never discount the culture: I loved the line quoted in the book 'Culture eats strategy for lunch'. If you don't see yourself fitting in the culture of the organisation, it is best to quit, it should not be overlooked or underestimated. The example used to explain this quote in the book is a must read. It shares a story of a top level executive, who was a misfit in the organisation and how she dealt with the crisis that came in her life.
- Embrace your accomplishments: Reason yourself on your low confidence when you are in the company of people who intimidate you and meet them next time with your niche and confidence. We often compare our's low with everyone's high.
- Identify your style: Figure out what looks good on you because 'power dressing' is important. But more importantly, it should match with your personality.
Each story in the book was relatable but the above mentioned takeaways were stuck with me. The essence of the book remains the same as its title - Everyone has to #WorkIt in their life with hard work, dedication, persuasion and passion. It offers simple and practical tips to make life more productive and exciting.
Hope you enjoy reading the book!