Get more Twitter Followers by Conversations

by - 02:37

Saw this line on Twitter & thought this could be my next small blog – To get more followers on Twitter, start following relevant people. 

I do not completely agree with this statement. But since it came from well-known social media expert, I thought let me debate with my mind for some time.

By following relevant people, I would just get to know the content they are talking about or topic of their blogs. It will not guarantee me a “follow back”.  

Follow-back will only happen if I produce a content which is actually relevant to them. It will also happen if I converse with them through my tweets. They may or may not follow me back, but their followers might just like my blog or tweets. Even your peers who understand your domain are your direct followers but only if they agree with your content.

So engaging with relevant people is more important than just following them. Yes of-course, I would not suddenly expect celebs to converse with a person who just started but gradually it is your content, knowledge of the domain & your conviction not your age that matters. (By celebs I do not mean Bollywood but people who are pro in their work area and have high followers and decent readership on their blog).

Lastly, a piece of advice: Tweet & Engage wisely not only for the heck of gaining followers but passion for what you know and what you want to reach out to people.

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